git cheatsheet
started learning git basics started with some git basics
for changing directory
for listing out directory
for making new directory
git init
for intialising empty git repo
ls -a
to see hidden files
touch file_name
to create a new file in directory
git status
for knowing changes made in repository
rm a b rm *.txt
to remove pattern of files in repo
rm a/ rm -R a/
to remove directory in repo
rm -i a.txt
to remove by confirmation
rm -rf B
When you combine the -r and -f flags, it means that you recursively and forcibly remove a directory (and its contents) without prompting for confirmation.
git add .
here all files get added that are modiefied to maintain history of files
git commit -m “message about commit”
here we commit all files
git restore –staged file_name
here it is all files are removed whuch are added in git add command
git log
here it tells about all last commits history
git reset ssh_id
deletes all commits above the paricular id
git stash
here for the files which cant be lose or cant be commited we just hide them
git stash pop
uncomited files are called and
git remote add origin link_of_the_repo
adding the remote fiiles to origin
git remote -v
links related to this repo
git branch feauture
new branch gets modified
git checkout feature
changes head to new branch commits are made on that
git remote add upstream link_repo
url which we have forked
for new pull reques and new bug create new branch and it can go on it is rule create new branch
git pull upstream main
to fetch all details from main account or forked account